How to Crack Frontend coding Interview

JS Developers
3 min readSep 22, 2022


This article will help you to understand the interview process and the types of problems you’ll get to solve in a front-end interview. This is basically for a frontend developer with the knowledge of React and Node.

Hey, I’m a MERN Stack developer, and recently I attended lots of interviews in many product-based, service-based, MNCs, and Startup companies. Here I’m sharing my Chegg interview experience and some useful tips for your upcoming interview. I hope it will help you and give you an idea about their interview process and the level of questions they touch.

Photo by Maranda Vandergriff on Unsplash

To appear in the Chegg interview process, I directly contacted HR over LinkedIn and wrote a message, and sent him with my resume and portfolio. And on the same day, he sent me an assessment link over the mail.

Round 1 (45 Min)

It was basically an assessment round which consists of 10 MCQs from React, Node, HTML, and CSS and a DS-Algo problem.

Questions were like the basics of React, Redux, HTML tags, CSS rules, etc.

And the problem solving question was from the LeetCode medium level.

Round T1 + T2 (1.5 Hours)

It was F2F round. Here the first question was about performance optimization in React. Like how we can improve the performance of a React application and what kind of best practices can be followed while writing the code etc.

Here you should have a clear idea about webpack, babel, code splitting, and design patterns.

And some other basic questions from React like class component vs functional component, arrow function vs generic function in javascript, closures, hoisting, etc.

After this, they started asking problem-solving questions.

The first question was to find all triplets whose sum is zero for the given array. And then they ask to make it generic as it should work for N where N can be any positive integer.

The second question was to reverse all the words in the given string.

And the third question was to rotate an array K times. there was another question from leetcode medium level which I don’t remember.

T3 Round (1.5 Hours)

It was basically a system design round. it started with a basic react question then he asked me to design an E-commerce platform like amazon. Mainly he wants LLD for that. And we also discussed a lot of other things. I can say it was one of the best design rounds I’ve attended.

Hiring Manager Round Interview (1 Hour)

Here the person will try to know about your background, work experience, skills, knowledge about the company, and many more things. He will do an in-depth conversation about your last project and the method you used in your last project.

There will be also some questions like how you solve conflicts with your manager, your client, etc.

and here always ready for questions like Why Chegg?

After the Hiring Manager round, I got a call from HR and the first word was Congratulations!! you are selected and your feedback is very good.

Some useful suggestions

  1. Always ask questions to the interviewer when they offer you to ask questions at the end of the interview. It’ll give you an idea about their work culture, how they process requirements and exactly what kind of technology they are using.
  2. Do your research about the company. And be ready for the questions like why this company and why you’re leaving your current organization etc.
  3. Always keep a pen and paper with you if you’re attending it virtually.

Hope it will help you to get your dream job. In the coming articles, I’ll share many more interview experiences like Paytm, Make my trip, OLX, Infosys, SendinBlue, Nykaa, Blox, etc., and useful tips which will help you in your job search. so you can follow me here to get updates on future articles.

if you have any queries or doubts, you can reach out to me here

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Cheers…………Best of Luck for your Future…



JS Developers
JS Developers

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